- Send and receive breaking news and scoops instantaneously
- Keep in touch with friends, customers, colleagues, family, vendors, co-workers, neighbors, employees, and associates
- Ask for solutions to problems
- Monitor your industry's trends, buzz, leaks, rumors, and news
- Conduct market research on your customers
- Monitor what your customers are talking about
- Monitor your brands, products, and services
- Get resolutions to issues
- Monitor your employees and vendors
- Keep track of events and travel destinations
- Get answers to questions
- Get product and service referrals
- Ask for employee referrals
- Use Twitter from your iPhone, Blackberry, or other mobile device
- Conduct background checks on employees and potential partners
- Drive traffic to your offers and products
- Provide Twitter name as a point of contact and a way to reach you
- Track your name, company, and products
- Respond to misinformation and public relations issues
- Gather competitive intelligence on your competitors
- Vendor, supplier, contractor, and company research
- Search for employees and staff
- Track local news, events, and issues
- Get introduced to key influencers and industry players
- Poll and survey Twitter users for votes and answers
- Invite users to subscribe to newsletters, ezines, and mailing lists
- Gain exposure for your blogs or sites
- Add transparency to your business
- Answer other users' questions
- Solve other users' problems
- Become an authority and expert in your field
- Share tips, resources, and strategies
- Provide live commentary of an event or news
- Get a better understanding of microblogging, social networking, and social media
- Share videos, audio, and other files
- Exchange stories and case studies
- Share your business travel experience
- Get hotel and restaurant recommendations for business trips
- Provide referrals and introduce colleagues
- Show the personal side of your business
- Build new relationships
- Drive traffic to your sites and blogs
- Strengthen current relationships
- Move prospects further down the sales pipeline
- Use third party apps for more effective and engage interactions
- Get feedback about your products, services, and offers
- Track important steps and milestones of colleagues
- View, follow, and engage in relevant discussions
- Add new contacts to your network
- Invite others to events and shows
- Ask for advice and suggestions
- Reinforce your current network of contacts
- Redistribute content from your blog or website
- Influence your network of followers to take action
- Group and project communications
- Asking for votes for social bookmarking and social news articles
- Pitch bloggers and publishers your stories
- Generate leads and inquiries
- Provide customer and client support
- Encourage and motivate staff
- Ask for testimonials and endorsements
- Provide product and service reviews
- Gain a competitive advantage over competitors who aren't using Twitter
- Your community expects you to be where they are
- It's free to use
- Easy to set-up and get started
- Simple to use and implement
- Efficient and effect communications with your network
- Post promotions and special offers
- The 140 character limit helps you communicate clearly and succinctly
- Gain insight into issues and trends
- Add exposure for your brand, company, and products
- More than one employee can Twitter about your company
- Meet friends of friends and expand your circle of influence
- Offer advice and suggestions
- You can have direct conversations with individuals
- Track popular conversations and Twitter users
- Shorten and share deep pages on your site with URL shortening tools
- You control who you follow
- Block others from following you
- Get feedback about your sites, blogs, and publications
- Reply to status updates and direct messages
- Effective use of Twitter doesn't require a lot of time
- There are millions of people on Twitter
- Organize meet-ups and local networking events
- Provide testimonials and endorsements
- Augment customer service and customer relationship management (CRM)
- Great for personal branding
- Use with other third-party sites that interact with Twitter
- Use as a reminder service or sync with your ToDo list
- Use as a detail record of your daily activities for better time management
- Customize Twitter profile to reflect your brand
- Reduce the amount of e-mail in your inbox
- Cut the number of feeds in your RSS reader
- Scalable according to the size of your organization or company
- Research solutions to problems and issues
- Ask for reviews and opinions of your offers
- Provide feedback to your network
- The number of Twitter users is growing and the popularity of Twitter is trending upward
- Track and analyze click-through rates of links in Twitter updates
- Barack Obama used Twitter to successfully win the 2008 U.S. Presidential Elections
Add your reasons to use Twitter to this list.