Showing posts with label marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marketing. Show all posts


Giving Can Grow Affiliate Marketers’ Commissions – Karmic Marketing on the Internet

Karmic Marketing or the Law of Reciprocity is a universal principal that existed since time began. It is based on the principle that when you do something good for someone else, you will receive something good in return.

This whole principle revolves around giving. When you give then you will receive.

The great thing about this principle is that it is not a one to one benefit. It doesn’t produce just one benefit for each act of giving. You can receive exponentially from one act of giving.

For example, you can help someone by giving them some information. Not only could they purchase from you, but their friends and family may also purchase from you. Even if they don’t purchase from you, their associates may.

Giving not only offers financial reward, it enhances your environment. It builds a positive and productive atmosphere in your workplace. It gives a reason for you and your staff to look forward to the work day.

Giving is also infectious and can spread to your vendors, partners, employees, and customers. You could soon be overcome with an avalanche benefits.

Implementing Karmic Marketing into your affiliate marketing campaign is simple. There are many ways that it can be utilized.

  • Give free information, instruction, or advice
  • Going the extra mile
  • Free reports, subscriptions, and other valuable information
  • Gifts and bonuses
The key to Karmic Marketing is intent. Your true intent for Karmic Marketing should be to help. It shouldn’t be to make more money, get more customers, or receive (anything). This is what separates true Karmic marketers from those who 'give to receive' or try to upsell.

There are two reasons why Karmic Marketing hasn't been widely adopted by affiliate marketers.
  1. There isn’t any way to isolate and objectively measure Karmic Marketing
  2. The benefit from Karmic Marketing is undefined and unpredictable. The benefit can be anything from money, assistance, referrals, positive feelings, etc.
In the end, you need to give in order to receive. Karmic marketing will build your bottom line and increase your commissions.

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