
101 Reasons and Value Propositions for Small Businesses to Use Twitter

  1. Send and receive breaking news and scoops instantaneously
  2. Keep in touch with friends, customers, colleagues, family, vendors, co-workers, neighbors, employees, and associates
  3. Ask for solutions to problems
  4. Monitor your industry's trends, buzz, leaks, rumors, and news
  5. Conduct market research on your customers
  6. Monitor what your customers are talking about
  7. Monitor your brands, products, and services
  8. Get resolutions to issues
  9. Monitor your employees and vendors
  10. Keep track of events and travel destinations
  11. Get answers to questions
  12. Get product and service referrals
  13. Ask for employee referrals
  14. Use Twitter from your iPhone, Blackberry, or other mobile device
  15. Conduct background checks on employees and potential partners
  16. Drive traffic to your offers and products
  17. Provide Twitter name as a point of contact and a way to reach you
  18. Track your name, company, and products
  19. Respond to misinformation and public relations issues
  20. Gather competitive intelligence on your competitors
  21. Vendor, supplier, contractor, and company research
  22. Search for employees and staff
  23. Track local news, events, and issues
  24. Get introduced to key influencers and industry players
  25. Poll and survey Twitter users for votes and answers
  26. Invite users to subscribe to newsletters, ezines, and mailing lists
  27. Gain exposure for your blogs or sites
  28. Add transparency to your business
  29. Answer other users' questions
  30. Solve other users' problems
  31. Become an authority and expert in your field
  32. Share tips, resources, and strategies
  33. Provide live commentary of an event or news
  34. Get a better understanding of microblogging, social networking, and social media
  35. Share videos, audio, and other files
  36. Exchange stories and case studies
  37. Share your business travel experience
  38. Get hotel and restaurant recommendations for business trips
  39. Provide referrals and introduce colleagues
  40. Show the personal side of your business
  41. Build new relationships
  42. Drive traffic to your sites and blogs
  43. Strengthen current relationships
  44. Move prospects further down the sales pipeline
  45. Use third party apps for more effective and engage interactions
  46. Get feedback about your products, services, and offers
  47. Track important steps and milestones of colleagues
  48. View, follow, and engage in relevant discussions
  49. Add new contacts to your network
  50. Invite others to events and shows
  51. Ask for advice and suggestions
  52. Reinforce your current network of contacts
  53. Redistribute content from your blog or website
  54. Influence your network of followers to take action
  55. Group and project communications
  56. Asking for votes for social bookmarking and social news articles
  57. Pitch bloggers and publishers your stories
  58. Generate leads and inquiries
  59. Provide customer and client support
  60. Encourage and motivate staff
  61. Ask for testimonials and endorsements
  62. Provide product and service reviews
  63. Gain a competitive advantage over competitors who aren't using Twitter
  64. Your community expects you to be where they are
  65. It's free to use
  66. Easy to set-up and get started
  67. Simple to use and implement
  68. Efficient and effect communications with your network
  69. Post promotions and special offers
  70. The 140 character limit helps you communicate clearly and succinctly
  71. Gain insight into issues and trends
  72. Add exposure for your brand, company, and products
  73. More than one employee can Twitter about your company
  74. Meet friends of friends and expand your circle of influence
  75. Offer advice and suggestions
  76. You can have direct conversations with individuals
  77. Track popular conversations and Twitter users
  78. Shorten and share deep pages on your site with URL shortening tools
  79. You control who you follow
  80. Block others from following you
  81. Get feedback about your sites, blogs, and publications
  82. Reply to status updates and direct messages
  83. Effective use of Twitter doesn't require a lot of time
  84. There are millions of people on Twitter
  85. Organize meet-ups and local networking events
  86. Provide testimonials and endorsements
  87. Augment customer service and customer relationship management (CRM)
  88. Great for personal branding
  89. Use with other third-party sites that interact with Twitter
  90. Use as a reminder service or sync with your ToDo list
  91. Use as a detail record of your daily activities for better time management
  92. Customize Twitter profile to reflect your brand
  93. Reduce the amount of e-mail in your inbox
  94. Cut the number of feeds in your RSS reader
  95. Scalable according to the size of your organization or company
  96. Research solutions to problems and issues
  97. Ask for reviews and opinions of your offers
  98. Provide feedback to your network
  99. The number of Twitter users is growing and the popularity of Twitter is trending upward
  100. Track and analyze click-through rates of links in Twitter updates
  101. Barack Obama used Twitter to successfully win the 2008 U.S. Presidential Elections

Add your reasons to use Twitter to this list.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't possibly think of another to add! I probably missed:
Using Twitter as a focus group or as market research.

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